
World Karate Federation WKF which is only karate federation recognized by I.O.C. released competitors ranking. We are very happy and proud to announce that the world's #1 competitor comes from Kachi Karate. Alexandra Chovancova is Sensei's Robert Koncal former student, multiple Slovak National Champion, European and World Championships medalist. Congratulations and we hope that we will have more #1 competitors in the future also here in Hawaii!!!
Thursday, 08 November 2012 10:03
If you are brave enough and think that you can survive the Halloween classes at Kachi dojos, then come... Aina Haina Dojo - October 29th, 2012Jefferson Dojo - October 30th, 2012Koko Head Dojo - Ocrober 31st, 2012We will give away a prize for the best mask/costume. Come to class with your scary mask, make up, accessories, but don't forget to wear your GI (uniform)! Parents are more than welcome to…
Tuesday, 16 October 2012 16:43
Testing for Koko Head Dojo will be on Wednesday, October 17th, 2012 at 6:00 PM. Testing for Aina Haina Dojo will be on Monday, October 22nd, 2012 at 6:00 PM. Prior to the testing will be a pretest on October 15th, 2012. Chosen people will be able to take the promotion. In order to be ready for testing you need to know the following techniques:Stances Heisoku Dachi (HSD)Musubi Dachi (MSD)Heiko…
Monday, 15 October 2012 17:01
Congratulations to September "Students of the Month": Jefferson Dojo - Taylor LynchAina Haina Dojo - Kevin LiKoko Head Dojo - Shannon Fee Also congratulations to the following students who were awarded with the Sweaty Gi award:Jefferson Dojo - Rio Shih Aina Haina Dojo - John Sung Koko Head Dojo - Hunter MamuadYou all worked hard and Sensei is very proud of you! Keep up the training and lets see who…
Saturday, 06 October 2012 22:58
All students from Aina Haina Dojo attention! There will be no class on Monday, October 8th, 2012. We are celebrating Columbus Day. Instead of Monday's class we have a class on Sunday, October 7th, 2012 at 8:30 at Ala Moana Beach Park. More information about the beach class can be found here: you for the undestanding and I am looking forward to see you everybody Sunday!
Thursday, 04 October 2012 20:42
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