USANKF Natioanl Championships, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Saturday, 01 August 2015 22:47

The 2015 National Championships came to an end. Kachi Karate Hawaii was represented with 11 athletes and they all represetned Hawaii and our dojo extremely well. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them all for their hard work. I would like to thank also all the parents who supported their kids and allowed them to compete at the highest National level. Big shout out goes to all Senseis & Coaches who gave their time and knowledge to develop such a great team. Congratulations to all!!!

Detailed results:
>ZARIAN KAMA 9 yrs Kata-Gold, Kumite-Bronze
>JOELLE INCIONG 10-11Kata-Gold, Kumite-Gold, T.Kumite-Gold
>ANDREW MINTON 12-13 Kumite-Bronze
>REY CHINEN 14-15 Kata-Gold, Kumite-Gold; 16-17 Kata-Bronze, Kumite-Silver
>TREYSON DOTE 16-17 Kata-Silver, Kumite-Gold
>MICHAELA McKIBBIN 18-20 Kumite-Silver
>MILAN TWINING 18-20 Kumite-Silver, Kata-Bronze
>TYLER YAMASAKI Men's -84kg Kumite-Bronze
>BRANDI ROBINSON - Women's -55kg Kumite-Gold
>EIMI KURITA - Women's -68kg Kumite-Gold

***CONGRATS to Rey Chinen, Treyson Dote, Michaela McKibbin & Milan Twining made the USA Jr. National Team to represent U.S. at the PKF Pan American Jr. Championships which will be held in Bolivia at the end of next month!!!

***Treyson Dote has also qualified on the U.S. Jr. National Team to go to the WKF Jr. World Championships held in Indonesia this coming November!

Again, thank to the students, parents, coaches and Senseis for all your hard work!!! GO TEAM KACHI



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